Saturday, February 4, 2017

3rd Quarter Report: Christian Book

Bible/Worldview - 8th Grade
Pioneer Family Academy
3rd Quarter Report: Christian Book

Assigned: 02/07/17
Parent initial on this page: 02/14
Choice of book: 02/28
Rough Draft: 03/07
Final Draft: 03/21

You may choose any Christian book you like. It can be a favorite one of yours, or one that is known for some of the values we are learning about in this course.

You will need to cover as much as you can about the five “W” questions:
Who wrote the book?
What impact did the book have on you?
Where was the book written or where did the events in it take place?
When was it written?
Why was the book written? What purpose did the author have in mind?

If some of this information is unavailable, you can state that in your report.

Please include your sources for information in a bibliography and plan to use at least two sources. I have a computer to connect to a screen in class which you can use, or you can bring your own computer in and share from there, if you have a photo or video to share about your book.

Your report should be no more than one full typed (or neatly handwritten) page, using standard margins and font size.

You will share your report on 03/21.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at:

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